Enum Orientation
This enumeration specifies possible values for SegmentOrientation.
Namespace: Northwoods.Go
Assembly: Northwoods.GoDiagram.WinForms.dll
public enum Orientation
Name | Description |
Along | Rotate the object to have the same angle as the segment it is at; use this orientation for arrow heads. |
Minus90 | Rotate the object counter-clockwise 90 degrees to be perpendicular to the angle of the segment it is at. |
Minus90Upright | Rotate the object counter-clockwise 90 degrees to be perpendicular to the angle of the segment it is at, just like Minus90, but never upside down; this is typically only use for TextBlocks or Panels that contain text. |
None | Do not rotate the object along the segment. |
Opposite | Rotate the object to be 180 degrees opposite from the angle of the segment it is at. |
Plus90 | Rotate the object clockwise 90 degrees to be perpendicular to the angle of the segment it is at. |
Plus90Upright | Rotate the object clockwise 90 degrees to be perpendicular to the angle of the segment it is at, just like Plus90, but never upside down; this is typically only use for TextBlocks or Panels that contain text. |
Upright | Rotate the object to have the same angle as the segment it is at, just like Along, but never upside down; this is typically only use for TextBlocks or Panels that contain text. |
Upright45 | Rotate the object to have the same angle as the segment it is at, but never upside down and never angler more than +/- 45 degrees: when the segment's angle is with 45 degrees of vertical (90 or 270 degrees), the object's angle is set to zero; this is typically only use for TextBlocks or Panels that contain text. |