
Use the Picture class to display images. The most common usage is to set the Picture.Source property with a path string, along with the GraphObject.DesiredSize or the GraphObject.Width and GraphObject.Height.

The source string will vary based on platform, and could be a web URL, a local file path, or some kind of application resource.

In these simplistic demonstrations, the code programmatically creates a Part and adds it to the Diagram. Once you learn about models and data binding you will generally not create parts (nodes or links) programmatically.

    new Part()
        new Picture("Images/100x65.png")

However for more sophisticated control you can set the Picture.Element to an ImageElement.


If you do not set the GraphObject.DesiredSize of a Picture, it will get the picture's natural size. But when you set the DesiredSize to be something different than the natural size, the picture may be stretched or compressed to fit.

The following pictures all show a picture of kittens that is 100x65 pixels.

    new Part("Table")
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 0,
          Margin = 2
        new TextBlock("natural") { Row = 1, Column = 0 },
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 1,
          Width = 100, Height = 65, Margin = 2
        new TextBlock("same size") { Row = 1, Column = 1 },
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 2,
          Width = 200, Height = 130, Margin = 2
        new TextBlock("bigger") { Row = 1, Column = 2 },
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 3,
          Width = 50, Height = 32.5, Margin = 2
        new TextBlock("smaller") { Row = 1, Column = 3 },
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 4,
          Width = 50, Height = 70, Margin = 2
        new TextBlock("stretched") { Row = 1, Column = 4 }

Note that it may take a while for the media to load. Until the time that the media has loaded sufficiently to know its natural size, the Picture may have the wrong size, such as 0x0. We recommend that you specify the DesiredSize (or width and height) so that the Panel(s) holding the Picture will not have to rearrange themselves once the media has loaded.

However for the times when you cannot know the natural size ahead of time, there are alternative ways of stretching images to fit in a given space.

Image Stretch

Instead of always stretching or compressing to fill the DesiredSize, you can set the Picture.ImageStretch property to control the size and aspect ratio of the drawn image.

The following pictures demonstrate the four possible values for Picture.ImageStretch. All four Pictures here have the size 60x80 and show the same 100x65 PNG file. The Pictures also have a light green background, to show the space available that may be left unused, but is still part of the Picture's bounds.

    new Part("Table")
        new Picture("Images/100x65.png") {
          Column = 0, Width = 60, Height = 80, Margin = 2, Background = "chartreuse",
          ImageStretch = ImageStretch.Fill
        new TextBlock("Fill") { Row = 1, Column = 0 },
        new Picture("Images/100x65.png") {
          Column = 1, Width = 60, Height = 80, Margin = 2, Background = "chartreuse",
          ImageStretch = ImageStretch.None
        new TextBlock("None") { Row = 1, Column = 1 },
        new Picture("Images/100x65.png") {
          Column = 2, Width = 60, Height = 80, Margin = 2, Background = "chartreuse",
          ImageStretch = ImageStretch.Uniform
        new TextBlock("Uniform") { Row = 1, Column = 2 },
        new Picture("Images/100x65.png") {
          Column = 3, Width = 60, Height = 80, Margin = 2, Background = "chartreuse",
          ImageStretch = ImageStretch.UniformToFill
        new TextBlock("UniformToFill") { Row = 1, Column = 3 }

  // The original image sized naturally, for comparison
    new Part("Vertical")
        new Picture("Images/100x65.png"),
        new TextBlock("Original image,\nsized naturally")

When images are clipped you can control what part of the image is drawn by using the Picture.ImageAlignment property.


If you have a Picture that must be clipped to a geometry, such as to produce a circular image, there are two options. The first is to use a "frame" geometry to hide part of the image. Typically this frame is the same color as the Diagram background or the background of the Node. This method does not change the area of the Picture, does not allow for true transparency, and clicking anywhere in the bounds will always pick the picture.

A second method uses Panel.IsClipping. This property on a "Spot" Panel allows the filled area of the main Shape to serve as a clipping region instead of a drawn shape. This method does not change the area of the Picture, but does allow for transparency It affects object picking so that only the resultant drawn area is pickable; areas of the image that are not drawn cannot be "hit".

Examples of both follow:

  diagram.Layout = new GridLayout();

  // Using a black "frame" geometry to hide part of the image.
  // Typically this frame is the same color as the Diagram background or the background of the Node.
    new Part("Spot") { Scale = 2 }
        new Picture("Images/55x55.png") {
          Name = "Picture",
          DesiredSize = new Size(55, 55),
          Background = "red"
        new Shape {
          StrokeWidth = 0, Stroke = null, Fill = "black",
          GeometryString = "f M0 0 L100 0 L100 100 L0 100 z M5,50a45,45 0 1,0 90,0a45,45 0 1,0 -90,0 z",
          Width = 56, Height = 56

  // Using Panel.IsClipping
    new Part("Spot") { IsClipping = true, Scale = 2 }
        new Shape("Circle") { Width = 55, StrokeWidth = 0 },
        new Picture("Images/55x55.png") { Width = 55, Height = 55 }

  // Using Panel.IsClipping and also having a surrounding panel
    new Part("Spot") { Scale = 2 }
        new Shape("Circle") { Width = 65, StrokeWidth = 0, Fill = "red" },
        new Panel("Spot") { IsClipping = true }
            new Shape("Circle") { Width = 55, StrokeWidth = 0 },
            new Picture("Images/55x55.png") { Width = 55, Height = 55 }


You can flip image sources horizontally and vertically with the Picture.Flip property:

    new Part("Table")
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 0, Margin = 2,
          Flip = Flip.None
        new TextBlock("None (default)") { Row = 1, Column = 0 },
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 1, Margin = 2,
          Flip = Flip.Horizontal
        new TextBlock("Flip.Horizontal") { Row = 1, Column = 1 },
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 2, Margin = 2,
          Flip = Flip.Vertical
        new TextBlock("Flip.Vertical") { Row = 1, Column = 2 },
        new Picture {
          Source = "Images/100x65.png", Column = 3, Margin = 2,
          Flip = Flip.Both
        new TextBlock("Flip.Both") { Row = 1, Column = 3 }